Whether an evaluation is externally or internally-driven, the principles that should drive the development of the evaluation protocol are the same. By targeting what exactly we want to understand about our services, we can prevent setting up data collection processes that exhaust staff with too many data collection requirements. In addition, it is always important to design evaluation protocols that are culturally competent and include mindfulness of historical trauma related to how data has been, and still is, used to oppress marginalized populations.
In understanding how our services affect the populations we serve, several types of questions can be asked:
BHES provides services in designing simple as well as complex evaluation protocols. Services include:
1. Development of Logic Model/Theory of Change
2. Development of evaluation protocols (including data collection workflow, dashboard and report template design, data analysis and data reporting)
3. Participatory evaluation (collaborative process including administrative, direct care staff, managers, and clients/consumers)
To inquire about a quote for evaluation services, contact Natalie Nax at natalie@bhestrategies.com
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